Human Factors Interest Group (HFIG) Distinguished Alumnus Speaker Series: Dr. Yan Xiao

Monday, December 5, 2016

5 King's College Rd.

HFIG is also proud to host a talk by Dr. Yan Xiao as part of HFIG’s Distinguished Alumnus speaker series. Dr. Xiao will be sharing a general overview of his experiences in the human factors field.

Location will be in MC 331 Mechanical Engineering Building. 5 King’s College Road  on Monday, Dec 5th at 12:00 PM.


Yan Xiao is a human factors engineer and has been publishing in leading medical and human factors journals in areas important to patient safety since 1996. He collaborates with researchers around the world from diverse disciplines to tackle challenges facing health care. Much of his work has been sponsored by US federal agencies such as National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, NASA, and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Industry support for his work came from top telecommunication, medical devices, and defense companies. Dr. Xiao is the author of more than 60 peer reviewed journal articles and principal investigators in more than 15 large sponsored projects totaling over $5million.  He was promoted to full professor of anesthesiology with tenure at University of Maryland School of Medicine, among the few engineers in the country on faculty in medical schools. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics and on editorial board for Human Factors. He is a member of F1000 Medicine Faculty, and serves on a Study Section for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Among his scientific contributions are a theory of human planning, a framework for physical artifacts and technology solutions to support coordination, and a descriptive model for team leadership. Among his top current research projects are projects on safety and user experience in electronic health record system, gaming technology for improving nurse-physician communication, and team leadership enhancement.

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